Create The Life You Want


Create The Life You Want

I have spent so much of my life waiting for THEE moment. The one where everything aligned, when I was absolutely sure it would work out to go forward. My fear of failure is strong, so I found myself putting a false reliance on God to give me the go-ahead. The nod that if I dared to try my idea it would work out. I want assurance. Maybe you can relate to that feeling of wanting God to let you know that your idea is “right.” The problem with that is that many of us get stuck in lives that could be so much more if we would dare to take chances, to fail, to grow, to let our paths be windy all in the pursuit of the life we want to live. There are no safety nets and it took me forty years to realize that sometimes we take wrong paths and we cry, recalibrate, and figure out the new trajectory. The new life we want to live.

If there’s a false narrative about God giving us absolute clear paths for every single aspect of our lives, the other lie many of us have been holding ourselves in is that we want the same life our whole life. I grew up with this clear idea of who I was, what my deal breakers were, what type of person I would be, where I would live and then life happens. Your paths change, you didn’t hit the marker you thought you would by the age you thought. You didn’t save the amount of money you thought you would save and for every marker, you don’t hit. You have to adjust, pivot, reframe and ask yourself how committed am I to this idea of the life I want.

When I say create the life you want, it means being willing to assess at different stages of your life what you want now and where you working toward.


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